The Trump administration is calling for the funding of a border wall, a crackdown on minors from Central America, and cuts to grants for “sanctuary cities.” The hard-line principles were denounced by Democratic leaders, who had hoped to forge a deal to protect younger immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children.
The Silicon Valley giant found that tens of thousands of dollars were spent on ads by Russian agents on YouTube, as well as advertising associated with Google search, Gmail and the company’s DoubleClick ad network.
It could offer evidence backing up a Russian lawyer's claims that the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was solely to discuss a 2012 law despised by the Kremlin that imposed financial sanctions on wealthy Russians as punishment for human rights abuses.
The trip to the Route 91 Harvest music festival was a Mother’s Day present for Rosemarie Melanson. “This is so fun!!!” she texted her husband. Then the shooting began, leaving Melanson grievously hurt. She remains hospitalized and her family watches for any sign of improvement.
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A week after she renewed her campaign for gun control laws, she ended months of speculation and probably avoids what would have been an intense scramble in California to succeed her.
There’s a ripple through a city whenever a president or vice president visits: street closures, added security, added nuisances. The full costs of those visits are probably incalculable, since they have effects beyond the places directly affected.
University of Chicago professor Richard Thaler’s work on behavioral economics tries to understand how humans make decisions, especially bad ones. And he had a cameo in 2015’s “The Big Short.”
Scott Pruitt told coal miners that he will propose repealing legislation limiting greenhouse-gas emissions at existing plants.
The ouster of the high-powered Hollywood producer came days after he was thrust into the spotlight when a report revealed decades of claims against him.
The request for testimony in a criminal matter comes days after the arrest of another U.S. worker set off a bitter and unusually public feud between the Trump administration and the Turkish government.
Fact Checker
Data backs the surprising statistic that only seven nations allow women to choose to abort after the midpoint of a pregnancy, when the fetus is typically considered viable outside the womb.
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